The State of
AI-powered Automation

Innovation, impact, and future trends shaping enterprise adoption

At a Glance:

Generative AI has quickly become the number one topic for enterprise at every level. However, the ability to effectively deploy this new automation technology is largely immature.

A small number of companies are successfully applying Generative AI to improve their business operations and create new value in their markets.

A new study conducted by UiPath and Bain & Co. has identified several key factors that separate high performers from the pack. This new AI-powered automation approach will amplify advantage, favoring early adopters as markets reconfigure.

We are now 20 years into a reconfiguration of business brought about by the Internet and the attendant consequences of having an inexpensive high speed global data network, not the least of which was outsourcing. Never before had a business so seamlessly been able to move work from high cost to low cost labor markets. Two decades later, this opportunity to improve efficiency has largely been exhausted and while automation seemed to be the next method for continuing improvement, most companies have failed to achieve promised benefits.

Generative AI offers another chance to companies that have failed to scale technologies like enterprise automation. Bain and UiPath conducted a series of executive interviews and a survey of 200 companies and found the enthusiasm for significant impact from this artificial intelligence is high but also confirmed that the same fate likely awaits this new automation wave if key lessons are not learned.

Download the report here for further insights on the current state and future possibilities with AI and automation.

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