Webinar: Value of Automation Summit

UiPath shares models for predicting your organization’s value of automation!

shibaji das uipath

Shibaji Das

chet chambers uipath blog

Chet Chambers

chris klayko uipath

Chris Klayko

Learn the financial metrics most affected by automation at scale.

Organizations deploying hyperautomation are realizing massive returns on their investments. Gartner predicts “By 2024, organizations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining hyperautomation technologies with redesigned operation processes.”

Gain instant access to a metrics-driven conversation on the value of automation to the enterprise. UiPath value engineers will share an organization wide view of automation areas and the financial metrics most impacted by automation.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The models used to calculate the total value of automation in an organization

  • The metrics most impacted by scaled automation practices

  • The automation use cases most commonly targeted by UiPath customers

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