Release Cycles and Support Model

Release Cycles

UiPath’s software release cycle includes 1 Major version to which several Minor updates and Patches may apply. For clarity, every new release will be named according to the following rule: Major.Minor.Patch

Major versions, Minor updates and Patches are classified by UiPath as follows:

  • Major version means a version with specific functionalities and support terms released by UiPath with this designation. Major releases may include breaking changes from one Major version to the next and will deliver features, improvements and fixes. The Major version designation applies only to specific UiPath RPA Platform releases that are identified by UiPath at the moment of the release as a Major version.
  • Minor updates means an update to a major version or its supporting data, to fix or improve it, released by UiPath with this designation. Minor updates will deliver features, improvements and fixes and will not deliver any breaking changes.
  • Patches means a piece of software designed to repair specific issues with the goal to update the UiPath RPA Platform. Patches will contain only fixes and not deliver any breaking changes.

Release Types

UiPath produces Fast Track Support (FTS) and Long Term Support (LTS) releases, which are defined as:

  • LTS releases are designed for long-term support. They included features and components that have been stabilized, requiring few updates over a longer support release lifetime.
  • FTS releases include new features that may undergo future changes based on feedback. These releases give you access to the latest features and improvements. You need to upgrade the UiPath RPA Platform more often to stay in support.

Technical Support Policy

Every version released by UiPath will have FTS as described below and in accordance with the Product Life-cycle published on the UiPath website.

Supported under Mainstream Maintenance (Full Maintenance & Support) until a subsequent release. Supported under Extended Maintenance (Critical Bugs & Security Enhancements) 3 months after a subsequent release.*
* Fixes that imply database changes will be done exclusively on the latest released version.

After a new FTS version is available, UiPath will offer only Extended Maintenance for up to 3 months for the previous FTS version. Customer must update the solution to the newest FTS version to continue receiving Mainstream Maintenance. UiPath will offer support and help the Customer at no extra fee in the migration process. Once migrated to the newest FTS version, the Customer will benefit again of Mainstream Maintenance.

Every released version is a candidate for LTS. Only one such combination (Major.Minor.Patch) may be declared LTS per each Major version. There is the possibility that for a specific Major release no such combination to be declared LTS. UiPath will decide if a version will be marked as LTS or not and will reflect this in Product Life-cycle published on the UiPath website.

Supported under Mainstream Maintenance (Full Maintenance & Support) until a subsequent release is marked as LTS. Supported under Extended Maintenance (Critical Bugs & Security Enhancements) 1 year after a subsequent release is marked as LTS.*
* Fixes that imply database changes will be done exclusively on the latest released version.

After a new LTS version is available, UiPath will offer only Extended Maintenance for up to 1 year for the previous LTS version. Customer must update the solution to the newest LTS version to continue receiving Mainstream Maintenance. UiPath will offer support and help to the Customer at no extra fee in the migration process. Once migrated to the newer LTS version, the Customer will benefit again of Mainstream Maintenance.

End of support

End of support refers to the date when UiPath no longer provides Product Technical Support for a released version. As this date nears, make sure you have the latest available update* installed.

*Updates are cumulative, with each update built upon all of the updates that preceded it. A device needs to install the latest update to remain supported. Updates may include new features, fixes (security and/or non-security), or a combination of both. Not all features in an update will work on all devices. Update availability may vary, for example by country, region, network connectivity, or hardware capabilities (including, for example, free disk space).

End of support date for UiPath releases is reflected on the Product Life-cycle published on the UiPath website.