New IDC Research: Benefits of a People-First Approach to RPA

people first approach rpa benefits

The most advanced, automation-rich enterprises leverage robotic process automation (RPA) as a means to elevate the potential of human workers.

If this isn’t your first time on the UiPath blog, you’ve likely heard us mention ‘a robot for every person’ before. It’s long been a UiPath vision and we’re at a point where the vision is becoming a reality at UiPath and many of our customers.

A recent IDC white paper sponsored by UiPath, explores the concept of "a robot for every worker" through a global survey of organizations and a series of in-depth interviews with organizations that have instituted broad and successful programs of this nature.

It addresses the challenges faced by businesses that haven’t yet adopted RPA (and how a robot for every worker can help). It also shares key insights on how to overcome common challenges—featuring lessons learned from corporations like ConocoPhillips and KLM.

A widespread automation initiative is nothing short of bold, and a robot for every person vision requires a shift away from the process-first mindset that’s traditionally driven digital transformation.

Empowering workers with efficiency drives value

The goal of an RPA program is often to boost a business's bottom line, but this can’t be done without fully empowering—and trusting—employees. Fortunately, with a robot for every worker, employees are empowered to engage with automation programs directly.

The research shows that 80% of decision makers who have adopted RPA provide workers with access to tools that enable them to automate their tasks. Trusting employees to capitalize on automation tools makes workers feel more responsible for (and invested in) their own productivity.

This establishes a two-way communication stream that invites problem solving and praise in equal measure. As a result, workers are able to focus on more interesting work while at the same time getting more work completed. Which leads to happier employees.

In fact, 79% of employers using RPA experienced a reduction in errors, and an overwhelming number of those same respondents noted improved process efficiency as a direct benefit.

To scale automation, engage the entire enterprise

Organizations that have not yet adopted RPA at scale may struggle to align all stakeholders on the need for automated work at a single employee level. Not everyone may share the desire to use automation for improving business value.

The research shows that sophisticated RPA programs are focused on empowering each and every worker consistently across the entire enterprise. They understand that to truly realize the benefits of RPA, all teams need to be engaged and invested in the automation program.

Among the leading RPA-driven organizations IDC surveyed, 100% of decision makers have adopted RPA to provide workers with access to RPA tools that enable them to automate their work. This created a culture where employees felt valued, which in turn boosted their productivity and commitment.

Combining people and process-first ideas

While a process-first enterprise focuses on the general job functions of defined roles, a people-first approach understands that each worker engages with a number of tasks beyond their defined role and recognizing these workers individually and often. Discussing RPA implementation and maintenance with the leaders of large automation programs illuminated an important fact: process-first processes aren’t enough. The most successful RPA strategies combine process-first and people-first approaches to automation.

Furthermore, centers of excellence (CoEs) can help draw the link between these methods. CoEs are internal programs or teams established to support the development, adoption, and governance of company-wide RPA.

Implementing a robot for every worker

“A Robot for Every Worker: Are We Ready for a People-First Automation Mindset?” offers data and case studies from organizations with highly mature RPA programs across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Get your free copy of the white paper.

As articulated by Max Cheprasov, Chief Automation Officer at Dentsu, “Our mission is to elevate human potential, not eliminate it.”

guy kirkwood uipath
Guy Kirkwood

(Previously) Chief Evangelist, UiPath

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