October 1, 2014
Robotic process automation can help IT professionals deal with the long tail of small requests and changes that never seem to get done.
September 29, 2014
We share some tips on how to convince your bosses that RPA implementation is worth looking into. Come prepared, be an advocate, and suggest concrete actions.
September 22, 2014
Some tips for the CEO/CIO looking to implement robotic process automation (RPA) at your business or company.
September 17, 2014
Computers are integrated into almost every aspect of modern life. Learn about using and training robots for automation with our video tutorials.
September 15, 2014
Do you really need a robot? While macros are useful for a variety of tasks, robots can handle more sophisticated tasks -- and even manage macros!
July 22, 2014
Isaac Asimov's fictional rules for robots continue to impact our discussions about robotic ethics and safety. Is it time for new Laws of Robotics?
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